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Jomhari, Nur Zulaiha
Geiser, Achim
Bin Anuar, Afiq Aizuddin
Cite as: Jomhari, Nur Zulaiha; Geiser, Achim; Bin Anuar, Afiq Aizuddin; (2017). Root files for Higgs-to-four-lepton analysis example using 2011-2012 data. CERN Open Data Portal. DOI:10.7483/OPENDATA.CMS.JKB8.D634
This record contains root files that were processed for the Higgs analysis example on the CMS 2011-2012 Open Data.
These datasets are provided as part of the Higgs-to-four-lepton analysis example using 2011-2012 data. You can download all root files needed for the Level 3 exercise to your working area by downloading first the file list rootfilelist.txt
and then the root files with wget -i rootfilelist.txt
Please note that the following files are not needed to produce the plot but are only the products of intermittent processing steps:
These open data are released under the GNU General Public License v3.0.
Neither the experiment(s) ( CMS ) nor CERN endorse any works, scientific or otherwise, produced using these data.
This release has a unique DOI that you are requested to cite in any applications or publications.