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CMS collaboration
Supplementaries Luminosity CMS 13TeV pp CERN-LHC
CMS measures the luminosity using different luminometers (luminosity detectors) and algorithms. The luminometer giving the best value for each luminosity section is recorded in a 'normtag' file normtag_PHYSICS_2015.json that is used in the luminosity calculation.
The integrated luminosity for validated runs and luminosity sections of the 2015 public data (Run2015D) is available in Run2015Dlumi.txt. (The integrated luminosity for validated runs and luminosity sections of all 2015 p-p data taking is available in 2015lumi.txt.)
For luminosity calculation, a detailed list of luminosity by lumi section is provided in 2015lumibyls.csv for the list of validated runs and lumi sections.
The uncertainty in the luminosity measurement of 2015 data should be considered as 1.6% (reference Precision luminosity measurement in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s} =$ 13 TeV in 2015 and 2016 at CMS).
In your estimate for the integrated luminosity, check for which runs the trigger you have selected is active and sum the values for those runs. If you are using prescaled triggers, you can find the trigger prescale factors as shown in of the PhysObjectExtractorTool example code. The change of prescales (run, lumi section, index of prescales) is recorded in prescale2015.csv
Additional information on how to extract luminosity values using the brilcalc tool can be found in the luminosity calculation guide.
CMS list of validated runs Cert_13TeV_16Dec2015ReReco_Collisions15_25ns_JSON_v2.txt
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