Important notice: is a quality-assurance server. Please use it for testing purposes only. The content may be erased from time to time. Please use for production.
This document provides instruction for how to calculate the luminosity information
for CMS in the open data environment. This is done using brilcalc
, which is a command line tool from the CMS Beam Radiation Instrumentation and Luminosity (BRIL) group.
Before you continue, consider that some of the information that you wish to calculate is already available for 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2015 data. The information available includes:
There are three options for using brilcalc
: using a docker container with the brilcalc
software installed, or installing brilcalc
either in the CMS open data Virtual Machine (VM) or in the CMS open data docker container.
If you have docker installed, donwload and run the container with
docker run -it --name brilws
The software is preinstalled in the container and you can directly test brilcalc
Follow the instructions here to install the CMS VM and then the instructions for getting started.
Click on the CMS Shell
icon on the desktop to open the terminal. At the terminal prompt, run the command
cmsrel CMSSW_5_3_32
and then change directory
cd CMSSW_5_3_32/src
and then finally intialize the CMS environment
Now we are ready to install the brilcalc
Following the instructions here we download and install an image and run a Docker container using the following command:
docker run --name my_od -P -p 5901:5901 -it cmsopendata/cmssw_5_3_32-slc6_amd64_gcc472 /bin/bash
When completed successfully we should be at the command prompt:
cmsusr@a17b2a79d067 ~/CMSSW_5_3_32/src $
Now we are ready to install the brilcalc
If you are using the VM, or if are using the docker container and have the cvmfs
file system installed locally, you have access to cvmfs
In these cases, follow these instructions:
Set your PATH
export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:/cvmfs/$PATH
Install using pip
with the command:
pip install --user brilws
At the end of a successful installation you should see the messages:
Successfully built brilws
Installing collected packages: brilws
Successfully installed brilws
Check the installation by running the command:
brilcalc --version
which should output 3.6.2
Now you are ready to test brilcalc
Alternatively you can install a conda environment:
In the command prompt go to the home directory in your container with the command cd
Fetch the installer for the brilcalc
conda environment:
(you may need to use the --no-check-certificate
option with wget
Run the installer:
bash -b -p <localbrilcondabase>
where we substitute <localbrilcondabase>
with brilconda
. This is the directory in which the brilcalc
will be installed.
Once installed successfully add the tools to your PATH
with the following command:
export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$HOME/brilconda/bin:$PATH
Then install brilcalc
with this command:
pip install brilws
Finally check by running the following:
brilcalc --version
which should output 3.53
Now you are ready to test brilcalc
As a test, let's see what the integrated luminosity was for run 160431 by running the command
brilcalc lumi -c web -r 160431
which should output
#Data tag : 19v3 , Norm tag: onlineresult
| run:fill | time | nls | ncms | delivered(/ub) | recorded(/ub) |
| 160431:1615 | 03/14/11 03:08:07 | 243 | 218 | 8781.334977241 | 7879.289611261 |
| nfill | nrun | nls | ncms | totdelivered(/ub) | totrecorded(/ub) |
| 1 | 1 | 243 | 218 | 8781.334977241 | 7879.289611261 |
Note: It is important that you use the -c web
option when running brilcalc
. This specifies that you use indirect access to BRIL servers via web cache. For users of CMS open data outside CERN and CMS this is the only option that will work.
Note: There is a useful help
option for brilcalc
and its commands:
brilcalc --help
brilcalc (-h|--help|--version)
brilcalc [--debug|--warn] <command> [<args>...]
lumi Luminosity
beam Beam
trg Trigger configurations
See 'brilcalc <command> --help' for more information on a specific command.
See test above
First obtain the file with the list of validated runs and luminosity sections. Here we use the list for 2011 data.
It is recommended to steer the output to a file (e.g. called 2011lumi.txt
) using this command:
brilcalc lumi -c web -i Cert_160404-180252_7TeV_ReRecoNov08_Collisions11_JSON.txt > 2011lumi.txt
The output will appear as follows:
#Data tag : v1 , Norm tag: onlineresult
| run:fill | time | nls | ncms | delivered(/ub) | recorded(/ub) |
| 160431:1615 | 03/14/11 03:14:43 | 200 | 200 | 7366.884 | 7366.875 |
| 160577:1622 | 03/16/11 01:44:38 | 53 | 53 | 1719.888 | 1631.386 |
| 160578:1622 | 03/16/11 02:20:03 | 175 | 175 | 5201.105 | 4952.155 |
| 160871:1636 | 03/19/11 02:43:57 | 141 | 141 | 109739.586 | 106354.581 |
| 160872:1636 | 03/19/11 03:50:05 | 38 | 38 | 28346.738 | 23977.109 |
| 160873:1636 | 03/19/11 04:20:20 | 147 | 147 | 104914.534 | 103031.004 |
The units are inverse microbarns as default and can be changed to inverse femtobarns with the option -u /fb
. Note that the lists of validated runs are usually given for the full data-taking period, whereas the open data are a part of it. See the intructions below on how to get the values over a range of runs.
CMS measures the luminosity with different luminometers (luminosity detectors) and algorithms. You can choose which to use with the --type
option as below. Here we use the list of validated runs from 2012.
brilcalc lumi --type pxl -c web -i Cert_190456-208686_8TeV_22Jan2013ReReco_Collisions12_JSON.txt -u /fb > 2012lumi.txt
In this example the pixel detectors are used. This is the preferred option. For 2010 data a calculation using the hadronic forward calorimeters is used and is given by the option --type hfoc
For Run-2 data, the luminometer giving the best value for each luminosity section is recorded in a 'normtag' file, provided in the 2015 luminosity information record ('normtag_PHYSICS_2015.json'). Use it with the corresponding list of validated runs from 2015 as in
brilcalc lumi -c web -i Cert_13TeV_16Dec2015ReReco_Collisions15_25ns_JSON_v2.txt -u /fb --normtag normtag_PHYSICS_2015.json > 2015lumi.txt
Note You may notice at the end of the output luminosity sections that are listed in the json quality file but do not have any luminosity values corresponding to them. These correspond to sections that are left-overs at the end of a run, which where still tagged as STABLE RUN, but actually did not provide any luminosity. These are safe to ignore as they do not contain any events.
First obtain the file with the list of validated runs and luminosity sections. Here we use the list for 2011 data.
RunA of 2011 proton-proton data comprises runs 160431 to 173692 (inclusive) so to calculate the integrated luminosity for this era run the command:
brilcalc lumi -c web --begin 160431 --end 173692 -i Cert_160404-180252_7TeV_ReRecoNov08_Collisions11_JSON.txt > RunA2011lumi.txt
For 2015 data, obtain the corresponding list of validated runs:
and the normtage file
RunD of 2015 proton-proton data comprises runs 256630 to 260627 (inclusive) so to calculate the integrated luminosity for this era using the best luminometer estimates defined in normtag_PHYSICS_2015.json
run the command:
brilcalc lumi -c web --begin 256630 --end 260627 -i Cert_13TeV_16Dec2015ReReco_Collisions15_25ns_JSON_v2.txt --normtag normtag_PHYSICS_2015.json > RunD2015lumi.txt
If you want to fetch the integrated luminosity by luminosity section and output the results to a csv
file (which is recommended), first obtain the file with the list of validated runs and luminosity sections. Here we use the list for 2011 data.
Then run the command:
brilcalc lumi --byls --output-style csv -c web -i Cert_160404-180252_7TeV_ReRecoNov08_Collisions11_JSON.txt > my2011lumibyls.csv
The contents of the csv
file will appear as below:
#Data tag : v1 , Norm tag: None
160431:1615,19:19,03/14/11 03:14:43,STABLE BEAMS,3500,39.312,39.312,3.4,hfoc
160431:1615,20:20,03/14/11 03:15:07,STABLE BEAMS,3500,39.368,39.368,3.4,hfoc
160431:1615,21:21,03/14/11 03:15:30,STABLE BEAMS,3500,39.305,39.305,3.4,hfoc
160431:1615,22:22,03/14/11 03:15:53,STABLE BEAMS,3500,35.843,35.843,3.1,hfoc
160431:1615,23:23,03/14/11 03:16:17,STABLE BEAMS,3500,37.093,37.093,3.2,hfoc
160431:1615,24:24,03/14/11 03:16:40,STABLE BEAMS,3500,39.620,39.620,3.4,hfoc
160431:1615,25:25,03/14/11 03:17:03,STABLE BEAMS,3500,34.396,34.396,3.0,hfoc
160431:1615,26:26,03/14/11 03:17:27,STABLE BEAMS,3500,39.874,39.874,3.4,hfoc
Here as an example we calculate the total integrated luminosity for a particular for high-level triggers whose name matches the
pattern HLT_DoubleMu
and output the results to a csv
brilcalc lumi -c web -r 173692 --hltpath="HLT_DoubleMu*" --output-style csv > run173692_DoubleMu.csv
Note: It is strongly recommended to make your HLT query as specific as possible and to output to csv
brilcalc trg --prescale -c web -r 148002 --hltpath "HLT_Jet*"
| run | cmsls | prescidx | totprescval | hltpath/prescval | logic | l1bit/prescval |
| 148002 | 1 | 1 | 12000 | HLT_Jet15U/20 | ONE | L1_SingleJet6U/600 |
| 148002 | 1 | 1 | 12000 | HLT_Jet15U_HcalNoiseFiltered/20 | ONE | L1_SingleJet6U/600 |
| 148002 | 1 | 1 | 1200 | HLT_Jet30U/1200 | ONE | L1_SingleJet20U/1 |
| 148002 | 1 | 1 | 170 | HLT_Jet50U/170 | ONE | L1_SingleJet30U/1 |
| 148002 | 1 | 1 | 30 | HLT_Jet70U_v2/30 | ONE | L1_SingleJet40U/1 |
| 148002 | 1 | 1 | 1 | HLT_Jet100U_v2/1 | ONE | L1_SingleJet60U/1 |
| 148002 | 1 | 1 | 1 | HLT_Jet140U_v1/1 | ONE | L1_SingleJet60U/1 |
brilcalc trg --prescale -c web -r 173243
| run | cmsls | prescidx |
| 173243 | 1 | 5 |
| 173243 | 14 | 4 |