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This page will guide you through contents of the CMS Open Data collections that are meant for educational use (or for physics enthusiasts!). It is roughly broken down into three levels of difficulty:
If you are new to particle physics, your time is limited, or you want to do something online fairly quickly, have a look at visual displays of real particle collisions. For example, here are collision events which contributed to the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012:
Open file
button,Open file(s) from web
to see candidate collisions events for a Higgs boson transforming into electrons and/or muons, or click on diphoton.ig
to see candidate collision events for a Higgs boson transforming into two photons, and wait for the events to load to the right,Load
.Your collision event should now appear in the display.
set and you want to see electrons, check Electrons
under Physics
and uncheck Tracks (reco)
under Tracking
in the menu to the left (the choice is only visible if electrons are present in the collision).diphoton.ig
set, check Photons
under Physics
in the menu to the left (the choice is only visible if photons are present in the collision).Note: If you have a VR viewer (even a simple one like Google Cardboard), you can immerse yourself into the collision using your smartphone: click on the "Stereo View" button (shaped like binoculars), insert your phone into the viewer and have virtual tour in 3D of a real LHC collision!
The first few events of all collision datasets from CMS served on the CERN Open Data portal are available in a format suitable for the event display. In addition, many other events have been selected in specially prepared collections. Find them all in this search query. Two examples of these specially prepared files are:
You can also download these files directly from the records on this portal.
To learn how to use the CMS event display, click on Need help?
link on the top right side of the screen. For suggestions for classroom activities see Tutorials and worksheets for CMS Event Display.
You can get an overview of our education resources through this search query with your keyword of interest (you can change the pre-defined keywords here). Here are some highlights:
Need help?
.If you want a more detailed understanding of particle physics or an introduction aimed at the university level, take a look at some of the other resources in this search query.
For example:
Of course, you can also undertake your own explorations with CMS Open Data:
Have fun!!