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CMS Open data group
Software Analysis CMS CERN-LHC
This repository contains example analysis scripts using NanoAODRun1 derived data from 2010, 2011, or 2012 CMS Open Data. These are pedagogical examples that show users how to analyze NanoAOD-format ROOT files using event loops in C++ as well as ROOT's RDataFrame package in C++ and Python. The examples all reproduce a public dimuon mass spectrum histogram from data, highlighting the mass peaks of various particles. The scripts provide real-life examples of creating complex histograms with publication-style labels in ROOT.
For use with nanoaod-run1 data and simulation samples on this portal.
These examples can be run with the datasets in the nanoaod-run1 or nanoaodsim-run1 formats
The analysis can be run with a plain ROOT installation. Go to for instructions how to install the software, or use the ROOT docker container documented on the CMS docker guide.
To download the files, you can either use directly the web browser or the following command.
$ git clone
To run an example, enter one of the dimuon_20XX
directories and execute the ROOT macro inside with a command such as:
$ root -l Dimuon2011_eospublic.C
Step-by-step commands and output examples are provided on the Github repository. The final plots of the analysis are also included in the source code repository.
These open data are released under the GNU General Public License v3.0.
Neither the experiment(s) ( CMS ) nor CERN endorse any works, scientific or otherwise, produced using these data.