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CMS Open data group
Software Tool Workflow CMS CERN-LHC
PFNanoProducerTool is a CMSSW producer module that allows users to add Particle Flow (PF) candidates to NanoAOD files, by preprocessing MiniAOD files. The example input in the code is 2016 MiniAOD.
This code has been used to produce the Run2016G NanoAOD-PF samples that are available from this portal.
Use this software with any CMS 2016 MiniAOD or MiniAODSIM datasets.
PFNanoProducerTool is a producer package to be used with the CMSSW software. The output files are available for Run2016G collision datasets on this portal and they can be analysed independently.
For any additional production, CMSSW is available in the CMS Open Data environments: in the CMS Docker container and in the CMS VM image.
To download and run the PFNanoProducer code, follow the instructions at
For more information about physics object access, see the CMS Open Data Guide web site.
The output files from the PFNanoProducer package have the usual NanoAOD content and, in addition, the PF candidate information. The files are produced in the ROOT format and their analysis does not require the use of CMSSW and CMS Open data environments.
These open data are released under the GNU General Public License v3.0.
Neither the experiment(s) ( CMS ) nor CERN endorse any works, scientific or otherwise, produced using these data.