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This page lists possible solutions to frequently encountered issues with CMS Open Data: for the virtual machine; for the CMSSW software and examples; and for the file download and access.
More up-to-date troubleshooting information will be collected on the CMS Open Data Guide FAQ page. Also, the Open Data Forum has many previously asked and answered questions, and you can ask your own specific questions there -- be sure to include the category "CMS".
I have trouble installing VirtualBox
What is the root password for the CMS Open Data VM?
.The CMS Open Data VM does not open correctly
In some versions of VirtualBox, it has happened that the CMS Open Data VM does not open correctly. This was the case for example for VirtulBox 5.0.32, but more recent versions from the VirtualBox website have been tested and are working properly. Note that it can take a while to launch the CMS Open Data VM for the first time.
If the internet connection from the user's side is restricted, it may be that some ports and IPs need to be whitelisted so that the VM can install properly. These may change in time, please contact
When/after installing CERN VM, I get a message that my VM uses too much memory
xml files do not download correctly by clicking on "Download"
in record 560 with
$ wget
When I start the CMS job, nothing happens
command) and the job also stops after the first time you run it, you should use the CMS Open Data VM version with a larger cache size (CMS-OpenData-1.3.0.ova).While running on AOD data, my job gets "killed" by the VM without any further explanation
I've done the demo example from the getting started instructions and I want to change the class name
with the name of your choice in it and in
, python/demoanalyzer_cfi
.After having compiled my code, I get a runtime error An exception of category 'PluginNotFound'...
. If the instructions ask you to make an intermediate directory, you should do so, otherwise the CMSSW framework does not find your code even if it compiles.I think I've messed up my working area, how can I clean it?
scram b clean
.I have an example running on the 2010 data, what do I need to modify to run it on the 2011-2012 data?
with FWCore.PythonUtilities.LumiList
.I have an example running on the 2011 data, what do I need to modify to run it on the 2012 data?
The example job prints output every event, how do I reduce frequency?
process.MessageLogger.cerr.FwkReport.reportEvery = 1000
(or a frequency of your choice) after process.load("FWCore.MessageService.MessageLogger_cfi")
.When reading AOD data, I get write access warnings from eospublic on every file
When reading AOD data,I get runtime Xrd error messages for some of the runs
170724 19:39:13 4988 Xrd: XrdClientMessage::ReadRaw: Failed to read header (8 bytes).
170724 19:40:06 5113 Xrd: CheckErrorStatus: Server [] declared: session not found(error code: 3011)
When reading AOD data, I get fatal access error messages from eospublic on specific files
Any other problem you cannot solve yourself or with the help of your local administrator(s), not related to your local setup
kindly contact