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An alternative way to run DELPHI software is to use a container image. The following guide assumes that you are using Podman, nevertheless it is expected to work in a similar way with other container management technologies, such as Docker. The required images to run the DELPHI software are automatically created from a CI when the software stack is being build, and contain the full software stack.
Images are available in the registry of the DELPHI deployment
project at CERNs gitlab instance.
In this guide we will use the latest Alma9
In this guide, we will assume to be running on a Linux desktop, which has the podman
and podman-docker
packages installed. Some of the applications require a graphical interface,
namely the CERNLIB applications paw
, paw++
and kxterm
, as well as the DELPHI event display.
If you want to run on any data samples, please download them first. You can then attach them using the -v option of the podman run
command. Please check the podman documentation for more details. The Alma9
image we use in this guide can also access the data directly from the EOS
file system.
The image is configured with a local user called delphi
. For the commands below, we'll use the following conventions:
$ xyz
indicates that the command xyz
is to be run on your local machine or VM.[delphi ~] $ xyz
indicates that the command xyz
is to be run inside the started container.To start the container on a Linux based system, use:
$ xhost + local:docker
$ docker run --privileged --rm -it -e DISPLAY --network host -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v ~/.Xauthority:/home/delphi/.Xauthority --user delphi /bin/bash -l
This command will download the Alma9 based container and create a login shell for the DELPHI user.
This image comes with support for EOS
: when launched on a system which supports fuse file systems, the DELPHI data will be available inside the container beneath the path /eos/opendata/delphi
. Note that due to the --rm option, the container will be destroyed when you exit it, and all the work done inside the container will be lost.
The image ships with the following modules:
went offline.The software stack itself can be found in /delphi
on the container.
The home directory of the delphi user contains a set of basic examples which can be used as templates.
Follow the DELPHI event simulation guide to create a few sample events to scan. For the next chapter, the short DST output file will be needed.
To run the event display, let's first make sure that the required folders are present. So please run
[delphi ~] $ mkdir -p ~/graexe/data ~/graexe/hcopy ~/graexe/macro ~/graexe/run
For convenience, let's copy over the short dst file
[delphi ~] $ cp simana.sdst ~/graexe/data
Finally, start the event display from the home directory
[delphi ~] $ cd
[delphi ~] $ rungra
Please take a look at the DELGRA guide for a quick start on how to use the event display.